Transforming Lives through Access to Clean Water: Joyce’s Story in Lailuba, Kenya

Joyce is a resident of Lailuba, a semi-arid region in Kenya that has been experiencing unreliable rainfall for the last two years. Like many others in her community, Joyce had been struggling to access clean water, as the region’s rivers and water sources had dried up due to the prolonged drought.

Fortunately, Joyce received a water tank that helped her collect and store water for her daily needs. The water tank had a significant impact on Joyce’s life and that of her community. With a constant supply of clean water from the tank, Joyce can now use the water for cooking, washing, and drinking. She has also started a small kitchen garden where she plants vegetables and fruits for her family’s consumption. With the constant supply of water from the tank, Joyce can grow a variety of crops throughout the year, even during the dry seasons. This has improved her family’s nutrition and saved her money that she would have spent buying vegetables from the market.

Before the water tank, life was a daily struggle for us. We had to walk long distances to fetch water, which was often polluted, and we couldn’t engage in farming activities. But now, with the water tank, everything has changed. We have access to clean and safe water, and we can grow our own food. Our lives have been transformed, and we are grateful for this change.


The water tank has also had a ripple effect on Joyce’s community. Other families in the community can now access clean water from Joyce’s tank, which has significantly improved their lives. The availability of water has also empowered the community to engage in farming activities, which has improved their livelihoods.

In summary, Joyce’s story is a success story of how access to clean water can transform the lives of people in semi-arid regions. The water tank provided to Joyce has not only improved her life but also that of her entire community. It has enabled them to access clean water, engage in farming activities, and improve their overall well-being.
